Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well today was a busy was our last day of holiday club for the week and then this afternoon we had the fusion festival. I know most of yall are wondering what holiday club is as well as fusion I am going to attempt to give you a little spark notes version of what is going on.

Holiday Club is M-Th from 10-12:30 and it will be going on for 4 weeks. We start out with some songs and then go into the bible story (today it was about Gideon)...after that we play some games, have a memory verse, make a craft (today we made Vuvuzelas...) and then we finish up by feeding all of the kids lunch. On Monday we told the story of Jonah and the whale, and we made a huge whale out of cardboard that we used as a prop...the kids thought that it was the coolest thing in the world! It is amazing how much the kids remember...yesterday Mona Lisa plopped down on my lap and proceeded to tell me "Leave all your worries with him because he cares for you 1Peter 5:7". That was the memory verse from tuesday, and it put the biggest smile on my face to hear her recite those words because it just reminded me of the differences we are making in these kids lives. But today after club we had fusion festival...which is basically a carnival type thing. These people from "fusion" came into Red Hill to run it and we basically just helped them out. There were games going on the whole time and then we had face painting, balloon animals, and circus tricks...the kids loved it!!

Tomorrow we will be playing soccer with the kids in the morning and then have another afternoon of fusion festival, so it should be quite eventful! I have loved every second that I have been here, my eyes have been opened to so many new things and things that I could have never imagined seeing. Everyday I go into Red Hill, I just cant help but think about how blessed I am...I have been so blinded by the materialistic world back home and here you see kids who live in shacks yet they are so happy. Its amazing how happy they can be with so little. I know that I take so much for granted everyday and I am so thankful that the Lord has given me this opportunity simply so that I can reflect on my own life and realize how abundantly blessed I am. It is also so humbling for me to see how eager these kids are for Jesus...their hearts are opened and they are so hungry for us to pour into them. Its the greatest feeling in the world!


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