Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Crazy Business

The past few days have been quite busy and let me tell you…I am worn out and tired…

FRIDAY we had our second day of the “fusion festival” and overall it went really well. I was stationed at the balloon making table, at first I was a little uncertain of why I was doing that because frankly I have no expertise in that area. But with a smile on my face I made balloon animals and the kids loved it…that is, until the pump broke…So with the broken pump came a change of plans and I started doing face painting. I absolutely loved painting the kids faces because you could just see their eyes light up with excitement. Its amazing how a little bit of paint can bring smiles to faces. So then it was my turn to get my face painted, so I let one of the girls, Zimkita, paint my face. I thought she was painting something “normal” on my face like a flower or something…but little did I know, Zimkita was turning me into a pirate. I looked like a freak! But hey, the kids got a kick out of it, so I was fine with it. I also played some soccer with the boys…and those boys are crazy! I was the goalie so that was interesting. But it was so much fun running around with them and playing with them because they are so passionate about the sport. All in all it was a very long day because we were constantly going, but it was absolutely amazing to see the community come together for the festival and we were able to build relationships with the older people of Red Hill as well as strengthen our relationships with the kids.

SATURDAY was quite a day. Me, Stu, Carley, Brock, Ethan and Rachael loaded up and headed to Cape Town for a little adventure. A little adventure that entailed some Free Fallin’…We arrived at this sketchy looking airplane hanger and walked in to be greeted by some excited young men and then I signed my life away to go Sky Diving…(I had known that I was going to do this for a few weeks but I kept it a secret to everyone except for my 2 best friends-my brother John and my dear Meredith…sorry mom and dad). I knew I had to wait until after to tell mom because she would have had a heart attack if she had known! Next thing I know, I was getting all strapped into my harness thing and then boarding the plane. It was basically just an airplane shell and 6 of us piled in. Since I was going 1st I had to sit next to the “door”, and then about 5 minutes before I was to jump I got all hooked up to my instructor who I was jumping with, and then we sat at the edge of the plane. I tucked my legs under the plane, put my head back….and then Geronimo…we did a front flip out of the plane and were free fallin from 9000 feet!! We were free falling for 5000 feet (about 40 seconds) and then we opened the parachute and parachuted our way down for about 5 minutes. It was amazing! Here I am literally flying over Cape Town…Robben Island is to my left and Table Mountain to my right…and it was one of the greatest feelings in the world. It was simply amazing to see Cape Town from a totally different perspective and it just reminded me at how small I really am. And again I was marveled by the idea of creation and Gods power.

SUNDAY we went to church and just had a really chill day. They had a very sweet fathers day service, and honestly it really made me miss my dad. It just reminded me of how blessed I am to have the dad that I do because often times I take that for granted. Not everyone has a dad that supports them and shows them the right ways, so I am so thankful that I have had such and incredible dad and I admire him so much. I would not be the same person I am today if it wasn't for my dad.

MONDAY AND TUESDAY we had our 2nd week of holiday club. This week is all about the "Armour of God" and how he protects us. If you remember from a few posts ago, I told you that we were cutting out cardboard, in which we are now using for the Armour. So each day the kids make a different piece of Armour...so far we have made the belt of "truth" and breastplate of "righteousness". The kids are loving it and it makes my heart so happy to see that the kids are finding comfort in the lord and they are calling on him for protection!

I am sorry that the internet has been out so I have not been up to date with my blogging. So Carley and I are at the internet cafe having some nice hot cocoa and taking time to relax. I love you all and miss you all very much...but I am so happy here and loving absolutely every second i have here! Life just doesn't get much better than this!


  1. I am still breathing so hard... I can't believe you did this. The Young's, minus me, all want to do this too and I'm so glad I didn't know until after either.. Crazy girl..John got off this morning and I think they all had a great time over the weekend and I just know God is going to use this adventure to love and touch John and give him strength and confidence. I am just so proud of all of you. I know those kids and their parents are just being so touched by your love and faith and energy. Keep the strength little one. Hugs from Dallas.. Pager

  2. SKYDIVING! Oh how I love and miss you and your craziness. I am continually blown away by your love for these kids. Know that I am praying for your daily strength and the out pour of God's love through you. Love you hann...kenz
